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BlogPosts tagged “author interviews”

  • John · August 23, 2015

    An interview with Vel from

    Vel, John and John photo

    Vel Gayevskiy, creator of, meets Overleaf founders John and John in London.

    On the 31st July we had the pleasure of going for lunch with Vel Gayevskiy, creator of, who was visiting the UK for a couple of weeks following a Bioinformatics workshop.

    We've known Vel for a number of years and have exchanged many emails but never met in person before this summer! We took this opportunity to ask Vel a few questions about his research, why he decided to create a site for LaTeX templates, and what his plans are for the future.

  • John · March 30, 2015

    Meet the TeXperts! Introducing Lian Tze and Nicholas

    As those of you who've contacted us with support requests in the past few months will have discovered, we now have a team of TeXperts on hand to answer your LaTeX and Overleaf questions. Our two leading TeXperts are Lian Tze Lim and Nicholas Reith, and they've both been doing fantastic work in responding to support requests and producing tutorials and example materials for the community.

    So, without further ado, please say a big hello to our two TeXperts!

  • December 12, 2014

    WriteLaTeX Author Interview: Sam Cooper, Imperial College London

    Sam obtained his MEng (hons) from Imperial in Mechanical Engineering. He is currently a research student in the area of energy materials under the supervision of Professor John Kilner of the Materials Department and Professor Nigel Brandon of the Energy Futures Lab.

    The focus of his work is on the microstructural analysis of SOFC cathodes using X-ray nano-tomography and simulation techniques.

    In this short interview, Sam Cooper writes about his experiences using writeLaTeX over the past 18 months...


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